Arab and Perfumes

Arab and Perfumes

Arab and Perfumes


The Arabs were the first to use the flower crown to extract flower water 1,300 years ago, and the Arabs not only used the flower crown as a perfume, but also as a medicine. Perhaps the oldest types of perfumes in the world are called "rose perfume" and it was very popular with Arab tribes. Flowers such as jasmine, violet, lemon blossom, rose and others are considered important sources for extracting perfumes for Arabs, but the essence of perfume is extracted from sources other than flowers, such as wood, especially wood. Cedar and sandalwood, and from leaves such as mint, geranium and lavender, and from certain roots such as ginger and iris, the Arabic method of perfumery is to draw flower crowns with water, and it is by placing sheets of glass in wooden frames where they are wrapped in pure fat and covered with flower crowns and stacked on top Other. The crowns are changed from time to time until the pure fat absorbs the required amount of perfume, and perhaps the best scientist in perfumery is Ibn Sina who discovered the method of extracting perfume from roses, which was later called the distillation, and also one of the most prominent Arab scientists in perfumery is the Canadian who mentioned In his book (The Chemistry of Perfumes) a long list of different perfumes and in most of his ways he used musk and amber as an essential part of most perfumes.

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